Saturday, July 24, 2010

How to Stop Excessive Armpit Sweat

There are a lot of people that want to know how to stop underarm sweating. Nobody likes it but many people just have to deal with it. At least that is the attitude that many people have about this problem.

Excessive underarm sweat is something that about 2 percent of people work with through their life. It usually starts in adolescence but most people don't pay attention to it since adolescence is a time when most kids sweat a lot.

When you think about it, they are also experiencing hormonal changes so there is not much thought given to an excessive sweaty person. Often no one sees that this is excessive armpit sweat until the individual is in their 20's or so, and this can be the worst time for many people.

There are numerous alternative ways to help excessive armpit sweat will probably take longer than many other types of treatment but they can be as effective for some people and they are healthier. Here are a few to consider:

Herbal supplements -- a lot of people know that sage tea and sage tablets work very well to stop underarm sweating or at least slow it down. Others have used chamomile, valerian root or St. John's Wort. We don't really know why these work because clinical studies aren't done on herbs the way they are on medical drugs, but they are worth a try.

Alternative therapies -- some people have discovered things like Acupuncture, biofeedback, hypnosis or relaxation. These are pretty much therapies that are aimed at what may be really causing a person to be much more anxious. Since no one really knows what causes this problem, these therapies may or may not work for excessive armpit sweat.

Stacking -- even though this is not really fit into the basic uses of the term alternative therapy, it is an alternative to some of the medical treatments and many people have found success with it. The fundamental premise is to utilize numerous ideas at once to stop the extreme underarm sweating. For instance, you start with an antiperspirant, use armpit sweat guards under your arms and then use an herbal product called DeodoRite. These things are "stacked" together and you get more comfort.

These are just some of the things that you can do to fix the issue of excessive underarm sweating. They will help you be more comfortable with the situation and help you feel better about your self. They can also save you some embarrassment.

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